From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

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Using a search query report (SQR)

Using a search query report (SQR) - Google Ads Tutorial

From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

Using a search query report (SQR)

- [Instructor] Have you felt that your PPC ads are getting shown for customer searches that were not relevant to your business? Using the Search Query Report in Google Ads can help you understand if this is happening and how to stop it. The Search Query Report is a list of search terms that people have used and resulted in your ad being shown and clicked on. Working through the Search Query Report lets you see how your ads performed when triggered by actual searches on This will then let you find out if irrelevant searches triggered your PPC ads to be shown. For a lot of our clients and brands we work with, we look through the Search Query Report on a weekly basis. This gives us enough time to collect data and understand what search terms we don't want to show for. For any searches that are not relevant to your business, you can add them as a negative keyword to your ad account. Negative keywords are a type of…
