From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

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Where does PPC fit in the funnel?

Where does PPC fit in the funnel? - Google Ads Tutorial

From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

Where does PPC fit in the funnel?

- [Instructor] How do you know if using PPC ads makes sense for your business? Well, one of the ways of understanding this is by looking at what we call the marketing funnel. Let's take a look at one now and break it down. This ToFu, or top funnel, the group of people on this list generally don't know your product or service exists. They have not bought from you or your competitors. And they might not even be aware they have a problem. This group is pretty expensive to convert with PPC ads, but they do exist out there. This is MoFu or middle of funnel. These people do know that your product or service exists, maybe they've bought from your competitors. They are searching for it online, but they might not have bought from you. They're a little bit easier to convert with PPC ads, but it still takes a bit of work. This is BoFu or bottom of funnel. These people know your product or service exists, like MoFu. They've bought…
