From the course: Learning QGIS

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DEM layers

DEM layers

- [Narrator] Digital elevation models use the default gray scale when added to QGIS. There's an infinite array of colors and palettes we can use to make those dems look much more appealing. Let's add a couple dems now. So in the raster folder, we're going to bring in the east and west dems. Just drag them into a new project, click okay. And bring in the west, there we are. There's the east and the west dem files. So let's just double click on the demw, that's the west one. We can change from single ban gray to single ban pseudo color. And if I just use any of these built in color ramps, like reds for example, and hit apply, you can see that we can use red colors to style that dem. We'll go back in and try something else, maybe the magma. And again, you can see the various colors of that dem. Let's use something that looks a little more like a natural digital elevation model. In this case, we're going to create a new color…
