From the course: Learning QGIS

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Editing existing data

Editing existing data - QGIS Tutorial

From the course: Learning QGIS

Editing existing data

- [Instructor] Existing GIS data, both attributes and graphics, can be easily edited in QGIS. The graphics, depending on pointliner polygon type, can be drawn directly in the map. The attributes can be edited by a form. By modifying the layer properties, you can change the way the form prompts you for information. Let's look at the editing now. I'm going to highlight the parcel's layer, and I'm going to toggle the editing tool. Let's pick on a parcel, I'm going to pick on this one, and make sure I'm in editing mode so that just was a identify; this time I'm going to use the select features. There it is. And you can see all the notes as little Xs. And I can actually modify this slightly. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the modify vertex tool and I can move this around and resize this, using the vertex tool. So basically what I'm doing is I'm grabbing the vertices and moving them around to modify…
