From the course: Learning SAP Sales and Distribution (SD Module)

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Create a sales inquiry in SAP: VA11

Create a sales inquiry in SAP: VA11

- [Instructor] A major component of pre-sales in SAP are sales inquiries. Inquiries express interest from customers, but they're not legally binding. Let's create an inquiry using transaction code VA11. The first field we need to enter is Inquiry Type. We'll click our match code button. Because we need to create a standard inquiry, we'll choose IN, inquiry. Now we're ready to continue. The first field we'll enter on our Create Inquiry: Overview screen is the Sold-To Party. We'll enter 1700002 and press Enter. Our Ship-To Party is auto-populated with the same business partner number as our Sold-To, Iron City Parts. But we could change this field if there was a different ship-to party set up for this customer. Next, we'll move down to the all Items table. We'll enter the material this customer is inquiring about, SP01. Next we'll enter the order quantity, 50, and we'll press Enter. The system has populated our…
