From the course: Learning SAP Sales and Distribution (SD Module)

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Post incoming payments in SAP: F-28

Post incoming payments in SAP: F-28

- [Instructor] We've sent an invoice to our customer and they've sent us payment. Let's post this incoming payment to our bank in SAP. To do this, we'll enter transaction code F-28. First, we need to enter our document date. We'll open our calendar and select today. The next field is the document type. This is defaulted to code DZ, which in SAP stands for customer payment. This is exactly what we're trying to do, post an incoming customer payment. Our company code is defaulted to 1710 as that's the company code we've been working in. The posting date is auto-populated with today's date. This is editable, but because we want the invoice to post today, we'll leave it set. The currency is set to US dollars, which is also what we've been working in so we'll leave this set as well. All other fields in the header are optional so we'll head down to the bank data area. In the account field we want to enter our bank account…
