From the course: Learning SharePoint Online

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Get updates from lists and libraries

Get updates from lists and libraries

From the course: Learning SharePoint Online

Get updates from lists and libraries

- [Instructor] I spent some of my formative years as a project manager and one of the reasons that I began using SharePoint was to have a collaboration space, to have a place that I could post information so that it was available to a team that had people working in the United States and in Ireland and in India and in several time zones in a couple of those countries. By creating a SharePoint site, I had a way to have people put all of the deliverables for a project in one spot. And I didn't want to spend a lot of time hassling people about where they were so what I did was I went into the Document library where we had deliverables and asked to be notified when documents changed or notified when documents were dropped in a particular library. This is done in SharePoint through alerts and you can set alerts at a level of a document, for example, or an entire list, or in my case, for an entire library. If I wanted…
