From the course: Lessons from the World of Sports Analytics

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Using data science in golf

Using data science in golf

- [Host] Let's talk about the sports side of it though because this is fascinating to me. I'm a golfer, I don't know if what I do can be called golf, but I hit a little white ball around a field and I have fun doing so and I pay a lot of money for it. Talk to me, what in the world of golf are you tracking? And how does that work? What do you track and how do you use that to actually improve someone's golf game, 'cause I'm very selfishly interested in this. - [Guest] Yeah, well, so the nice thing is we don't really have to track anything. So the PGA Tour at every tournament, they use a system called ShotLink. And ShotLink takes the location of every shot, where it ends up, the lie characteristics, how far it goes, a lot of different things. They even have the weather and those types of variables. And we use that data to evaluate how players will play on new courses. We use that data to evaluate trends in players' games. Our…
