From the course: Leveraging Generative AI in Finance and Accounting

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Analyze an annual report with generative AI: 10-K

Analyze an annual report with generative AI: 10-K

From the course: Leveraging Generative AI in Finance and Accounting

Analyze an annual report with generative AI: 10-K

- Now let's take a look at generative AI in action. In this video, we're going to use generative AI to analyze the textual elements of a 10K report. Today we'll focus on Microsoft's latest annual filing. A 10K report is an annual filing that publicly traded companies submit to the SEC. While the primary focus is on the financial statements, the textual elements like management discussion and analysis, or MDNA, risks and opportunities can provide deep insights into a company's strategy and market conditions. So let's jump into ChatPDF, which is a tool that can read and analyze PDF documents, to dissect Microsoft's 10K. Let's get started. I'm uploading Microsoft's 10K into ChatPDF. And you can see how quickly the 116 page document was ingested. And ChatPDF has also made some recommendations for questions to ask. Let's try some of these. The first question, what are some of the key financial highlights for Microsoft in…
