From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Naming tracks and regions

Naming tracks and regions

- [Tutor] When you're working on your logic project you should get used to organizing everything the best you can. This project contains two tracks that aren't organized very well. The first track is called audio one, which is the default name given to an audio track. And we also have instrument one, which is a default name given to a software instrument track. These tracks also contain regions that are named the same generic names as the tracks, audio one, instrument one. So, let's organize them by learning how to rename them. We can name tracks by double-clicking in the track header. So for example, I can double click on the instrument one and name this synth pad one. You can name regions by choosing the text tool from our pull-down menu, or by opening up the toolbox by typing T and choosing the text tool. Here I can click right on the region and name this bubble synth. We can also name the regions according to what the track names are that the region lives in. So up here, let's…
