From the course: Machine Learning with Logistic Regression in Excel, R, and Power BI

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Next steps with logistic regressions

Next steps with logistic regressions

- [Helen] Now that you've learned about model and logistic regression, you can build out your knowledge from here. Try out the models on some of the other built-in datasets in R, or find examples of logistic regression you can apply on your own data. Logistic regression is a big topic area. There's a lot more to learn about binomial and multinomial models, as well as starting to explore ordinal models, which I touched on slightly in this course. If you want to learn more about AI and machine learning models, as well as statistical methods, check out some of the other courses in the library on these topics, like Microsoft Excel: Using Solver for Decision Analysis, R for Data Science: Lunchbreak Lessons, Power BI: Integrating AI and Machine Learning, Data Dashboards in Power BI, and Advanced Microsoft Power BI. I'd love to stay connected, and hope you learn more about logistic regression. Please follow me on LinkedIn to see…
