From the course: Manage Storage in Azure

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Manage storage tiers for blobs and files

Manage storage tiers for blobs and files

From the course: Manage Storage in Azure

Manage storage tiers for blobs and files

- [Instructor] This is a standard V2 storage account with its default access tier for blobs set to hot. So if we go into the container that's been set up for this walkthrough and choose to upload a blob from my laptop. I choose the blob and click upload. If I close the upload blob window, we can see that its access tier has been set to hot and in bracket is the word inferred, which means it inherited this tier from the blob service default that we saw on the overview page. If I upload a second blob from the same folder, but this time go into the advanced upload settings, we can choose the tier that we'd like to upload it at and this will set it specifically for this blob. Note there are two lists for hot here. One is inferred, the other is being specifically set for the blob. We'll go into why this is shortly, but for the moment, let's choose cool and scroll down and upload the blob. The list now shows that two blobs…
