From the course: Manage Storage in Azure

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Mounting a file share to Windows Server

Mounting a file share to Windows Server

From the course: Manage Storage in Azure

Mounting a file share to Windows Server

- [Instructor] Using the Mount capabilities of an Azure file share opens up further ways to access your data from compute. File shares can be mounted to many types of compute in Azure, including VMs, Azure App Service, and AKS or Azure Kubernetes Service Clusters. A file share can be simultaneously mounted to multiple types of the same compute, and to ensure files are not overwritten at the same time Azure files provides the leases and locks functionality. both the SMB and NFS protocols can be mounted and SMB requires port 445 to be open. For the demo, the following resources have already been created and you can of course create these using the bicep files for this chapter from the GitHub repo. in the demo, first of all, we're going to look at the file share that has been created and then switch to the window server to mount the share using a script. Switching to the portal. A note here, I am accessing the portal through…
