From the course: Managing Globally

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How to communicate across cultures

How to communicate across cultures

From the course: Managing Globally

How to communicate across cultures

- Being a great communicator doesn't mean you need to be the most dynamic entertainer or have the loudest voice in the room. It means that what you convey is exactly what's understood. The goal here is clarity. And we all know this can be challenging enough with our own culture, but it's even more challenging when communicating across cultures. Let's talk about what might get lost in translation, thinking about both verbal and nonverbal communication. Let's start with verbal communication. If you're conversing with someone who learned English as a second language, remember to speak clearly and use words that are easy to translate. For instance, it's tougher to translate want to get out of here? But a lot easier to translate shall we leave? Or asking the question are you up for it? That could be baffling. Are you up? And what's it? But would you like to try, that's much clearer to understand. If you're communicating through a translator, the same rules apply. Slow down the pace of your…
