From the course: Managing Organizational Change for Managers

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Your role in change

Your role in change

- Have you ever had a great idea that you knew was the right thing to do, then when you introduced the change to your team, it didn't work? I was recently talking with a manager who has a technical team filled with brilliant engineers. He wanted them to start capturing that brilliance by putting it into a knowledge management system. He made sure that the system was easy to use. He reminded the team regularly that this was important. In fact, he would even send them questions which they would answer in painstaking detail in an email. The manager would tell the team members that their excellent answers were exactly what needed to be put into the knowledge management system. It didn't work. They still didn't use the system. And he finally got discouraged and gave up. To overcome the frustration of a change that doesn't stick, this manager came to an important realization. He was taking all the responsibility for the change and didn't involve the team in thinking about it. He didn't…
