From the course: Market Research Foundations

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Image-based interviews

Image-based interviews

- As you look at this photo of a family at the beach, I bet for a split second, you find yourself thinking back to a scene from your own life. How do I know? Because our brains are wired that way. Our brains tend to link emotional moments with visuals in our minds and researchers have figured out how to leverage this connection. They can tap into images in order to predict how you may feel about a product or a brand. Image-based interviews are a visual way to understand emotions associated with a product and learn what deep drivers will move your customers to take action. While that might sound daunting, after watching this video, I bet you'll be able to conduct these types of interviews on your own. Just like other interviews, image-based interviews start by inviting the right participants to the party. The difference here is that you ask them to do some prep work to bring 10 to 15 pictures to the…
