From the course: Market Research Foundations

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- I want to start this video by introducing you to Bill Winters. Bill is 42 and lives in North Carolina. When he was 10 years old, his father had a heart attack. In that moment, Bill vowed to be prepared, and he believes that this is why he's an EMT today. Bill carries his iPad with him wherever he goes. He loves to cook. And his favorite app is the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch. Bill's divorced and has two teenage daughters. He only sees them on the weekends, but they have a tradition, they cook together. Bill believes that if he can teach his girls to be prepared in cooking, this will translate to the rest of their lives. And Bill was extremely instrumental in creating Now, there's one thing I forgot to tell you about Bill. He's 100% fake. Yep, I made him up! Bill is was what we call a persona, a character that translates customer research into a person that you can connect with,…
