From the course: Marketing Attribution and Mix Modeling

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Linear attribution: Treating all touches equally

Linear attribution: Treating all touches equally

From the course: Marketing Attribution and Mix Modeling

Linear attribution: Treating all touches equally

- [Instructor] Sharing the credit equally. That concept feels almost too simplistic, but it can be surprisingly useful. Unlike other models, with linear attribution, you're making no value judgment about how each touch contributed. Credit is always shared equally across all touches, so this model can serve as niche channels that otherwise would be buried for lack of data. Let's take this simple example. If the user is reading through a blog post and then leaves the website, later is re-targeted with an ad, clicks on the ad, comes back to the website, doesn't purchase, but they do sign up for the email, and then when they get an email a few days later, they click on that email, and then finally purchase. Under the last click model, which is default, the email would get 100% of that credit, even though they wouldn't be on the email list in the first place without the ad and they wouldn't have considered clicking on the…
