From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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Attracting affiliates to your ecommerce store

Attracting affiliates to your ecommerce store

From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

Attracting affiliates to your ecommerce store

- [Narrator] Wouldn't it be great if you could sit back and let somebody else market your products for you and you only pay them when they successfully generate a sale? No, this is not fairy tale, but it's actually real and it's called affiliate marketing. And Amazon do this too. And so do Barnes & Noble. So if you go to Amazon's website and you scroll right to the bottom you will see where it says the Amazon Associates Program. So if you click on the Amazon Associates Program then affiliates can actually sign up to earn money promoting Amazon's products. So for example, someone might come across your website and maybe they have a large following on YouTube, on Instagram, or maybe they have a big network on LinkedIn. And if they really like your product and they think that their followers would enjoy it too then you can make it easy for people to sign up to your affiliate program by simply creating one and leaving a…
