From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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Ecommerce product research

Ecommerce product research

- [Narrator] Product research is fundamental. If you know what people are in the market to buy, then you will know what you should be selling. And there are a few tools that you can utilize to identify what products are in demand. And my favorite tool is eBay. Now eBay provides you a lot of data so that you can quickly analyze what is selling and what people are interested in. So all you have to do is go to the eBay search bar and click on whatever product you are trying to research. So for example, if I wanted to research how successful certain umbrellas were, then I can type umbrella in. And the first thing you want to look at is the suggested terms. These are indicators of products that might be selling well. So I have, for example, an umbrella cover, that is one that looks like it's selling well because it's in the suggestions. So if that is a product that you are thinking about selling on your website, then…
