From the course: Microsoft Bookings Essential Training

Define your business offerings

- [Instructor] Once you've added your business information, it's time to start adding the services that your customers will be booking either themselves or through you. So we're still logged in here as Phyllis the administrator who's updated the business information, including the logo. Now going down the left hand side in the navigation pane, we'll click services. Here's where we go to start adding services. And you will notice there's already one there, there always has to be at least one service and you can see the default is an initial console for an hour without any pricing. So we can start adding our own services and delete this once we have at least one added or we can scroll over to the right hand side here and hover over it, you'll see that there is an editing pencil icon that we can use to edit the existing service to say what we want it to say. Well, we're going to go right up to the top and add our first service. Go ahead and click, Add service. First thing is to give it a name. Now, the first pass package or spa package at our London hotel Spa in West London is going to be called The Detox. So we'll type that in. Now it's time to add a description, and here's a cool thing. If you already have your services and descriptions and so on listed somewhere else might be in a pamphlet, a document for example, you can copy and paste from that document and I've provided it to you in your exercise files. If you open it up, you'll see something called London hotel spa and yoga packages. It's a Word document but there's our detox right there. All we have to do is click and drag over the four paragraphs for our description and copy, you can click the Copy button, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C, if that's what you prefer, right click and copy. Now we're going to Alt + Tab back to bookings where we can now paste this by right clicking in the description area. You'll see paste but you'll also see paste as plain text that way we don't get any of the formatting that comes from the document if there is any, like you'd see in a pamphlet, for example, so I'll click paste as plain text, there's an extra line, just Backspace to take that out. Time to add a location. And if you've already set up locations in Outlook, for example, in your organization for calendars, you might see it there, in this case, it's a separate location called The Spa. So we'll just type in Spa and click in the background. It's on online meeting. Obviously, this package needs to happen in person but you can book online meetings here in bookings if you wanted to. We'll leave that unchecked. And now we can choose the default duration for this package. Looking at our document we already know it totals up to three hours. So we can put in days, hours and minutes all we need to do is change the hours from one by clicking the drop down arrow and selecting three. Buffer time is cool. In this case, the person who's going to be delivering the package may need some prep time and at the end some cleanup time. This is called buffer time, and we can turn it on by clicking the switch currently labeled off, it's switches to on. And now we can choose how many hours and minutes before and after this appointment that's needed. In this case, it's only 10 minutes to prep. So I'll click the drop down and choose 10. This is for the before field, and then afterwards it's going to take a little longer to clean up 20 minutes. So I'll click the minutes drop down for after and choose 20, just like that. Now, do we want the customer to be able to book and manage their booking? Yeah, we'll turn that on by clicking the switch. Otherwise, they'd have to contact us and we would have to do the booking. And that's totally normal if you wanted to do that, you can but giving the customers the power frees up a little bit of effort and time for you. Maximum number of attendees can be changed here. This is not a group booking, we'll talk about that later. It's one person at a time. The default price you can see is not set but we can click the drop down and choose a different price. In this case, it's a fixed price for the package but you can see there are other options like starting at, there's hourly, we can offer free services here, we can even have the more expensive ones have them call us to set it up. But we're going to choose fixed price and you can see pounds is there we set that up as our default, you can click inside, take out the zeros, and this one total price is 380 pounds 380, there we go. Internal notes are for you and your staff. If you wanted to add any descriptions, added notes, things that are important when this gets booked. We can add notes, we won't in this case. And then down below you can see there's an area for reminders, we'll talk about that a little bit later on publishing options, and the scheduling policy that's set up by default. We'll talk about that a little bit later as well including email notifications. For now we have everything we need. So I'll click Save to save up our first service, you can see it's there, The Detox. That means we can now go over here to the right of our initial console, the default and click the little trashcan icon to remove it we'll confirm by clicking OK. There we go, you can scroll back over to see we have our one and only service so far, The Detox. There are many other spa packages to add. So your homework is to go through the document and add those additional packages. You can leave out the group bookings, the yoga classes for a little bit later, just add the remaining spa packages using the same defaults we set up here for our detox package and I'll see you on the other side.
