From the course: Microsoft Bookings Essential Training

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Re-assign staff to a booking

Re-assign staff to a booking

- [Instructor] Odds are good that once a booking has been made, whether it'd be by you or by your customer, changes will need to be made. For example, a customer books a service with a specific staff member, that staff member leaves the organization or is no longer available on that day. Well, you, as the administrator, can go in and make those adjustments after the fact, that's what we're going to explore in this movie. We'll start by going to the calendar. Logged in here as the administrator, we have access to all the bookings that we see in the calendar. If we need to make a change to any of them, all we have to do is go over to the booking, click once, we'll see information about that booking, the customer, the date and time, you can also see the staff member assigned. Let's say, David Rivers is no longer available on that day or at that time, we can then go in and edit, clicking the edit button. This allows us…
