From the course: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) (MB-901) Exam Tips

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Project Operations capabilities

Project Operations capabilities

- [Instructor] If you run a project-centric business, then you'll want to use project operations. And of course, you'll need a basic understanding of project operations for the exam. Project operations is for companies that create solutions using multiple products and then sells it as a single package solution. Project operations is used for project-based selling and management, resource scheduling. It also includes enhanced project management, time tracking, and expense tracking. There are several components that make up project operations, including contracts, and we'll talk about those in a little bit more detail, stages, assignments, and fixed price versus time and material estimates versus retainer costs. Let's review each of these. Starting with contracts. The project contract will include all the details about the commitment and billing details. Other items that could be included in the contract include the…
