From the course: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) (MB-901) Exam Tips

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Project planning and resource management capabilities

Project planning and resource management capabilities - Dynamics 365 Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) (MB-901) Exam Tips

Project planning and resource management capabilities

- [Instructor] Planning and managing resources of a project is critical. We'll be reviewing the tools in Project Operations that can assist with this. But first we should review the project stages in Project Operations. A typical project will have the following stages, and it starts with new. This is where the outline of the project is created and any required components are added. Moving on to the second stage, which is quote. A quote is created from the newly created project. It's here we add the start and stop dates. The next stage is plan. Once a quote has been accepted, the project is then moved into the plan stage. Deliver is our next stage. And no, this is not delivering the project. In Project Operations, deliver refers to the project is in progress. Then we move on to complete. This is the completed project. The project work will be 100% complete, but the project is left open for any additional updates to…
