From the course: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) (MB-901) Exam Tips

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Project sales capabilities

Project sales capabilities

- [Instructor] Selling project-based work is different than selling products or items. Project operations sales is used when you are selling projects. Within project sales, you will convert leads to projects. A project-based lead must be set to lead type work-based and leads should be converted to projects when high level details are discussed. The opportunity management capabilities include, assigning opportunities to the right people, defining the work items that will need to be included in the project. It's here, we can modify cost details if necessary. We can track the stakeholders and the competitors. And finally, we can move opportunities through the sales process. Time to review quotes and if you've received a quote, you will be familiar with the two types. First, we had the product-based quote. This quote is an estimated cost based on the physical units that are being sold. Then there is a project-based quote.…
