From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Essential Training

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Instance-level logins

Instance-level logins

- [Narrator] In this section we're going to look at creating new logins for our SQL Server instance. These logins are not specific to a particular database, they instead run for the entire instance. So we don't open up a particular database instead we're going to open up the Security branch. Under that we have Logins, which we can open up and see all of the existing logins. And I can right-click and go to New Login. That'll open up a dialogue for me. First thing it's asking me is a Login name. And I can search for one if I want to do something with Windows authentication I can search for an existing Windows user. So that was found and if I was going to keep that as Windows user I don't need to specify a password because the account already has a password. But instead of a Windows user I'd like to create a SQL Server user for this particular demonstration, so I'm going to give it the login name of TestLogin. And then I'll need to provide a password. Then I have check boxes for whether…
