From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Adding images to your Lightroom library

Adding images to your Lightroom library

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Adding images to your Lightroom library

- [Instructor] So if I want to add images to my Lightroom Library, which is cloud-based, from my Google Pixel here, from my smartphone, then I can do that manually, and I do that within Lightroom Mobile. So instead of them automatically being added every time I take a picture, I'm deciding which images go from my Google Photos app into my Lightroom Mobile app. And so here I am in Lightroom Mobile right now, and I'm going to tap on the import icon, which is in that blue oval down there, right to the left of the camera. Just going to tap on that. And that brings up the images that are on my Google Pixel. So now all I have to do is just select what I want to bring in. I'm just tapping on them. Just bringing all of these in right here, just like that. And then I tap Add. Now the photos have been added to my Lightroom Mobile library, and I can see that by just going to all photos right here, and there they are right…
