From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Albums and collections

Albums and collections

- [Instructor] If you have a collection of images that you want to keep together, an album is a great way to do that. And I have some albums right here on my iPhone that I want to share with you. First of all, one of the things that the iPhone does that's very nice is that any image that you mark as a favorite, it will put that in an album of favorites for you. So if you want to show off what a good photographer you are, you know, have someone standing there, just go, let me show you a few shots. You go to your favorites, tap on that, and it'll be all your good stuff. And they won't see all the bad stuff that you've done over the last year (chuckling). So just a little tip there, a great way to show off. But you can also do albums by subject material. For instance, I like infrared photography, so I have an album of infrared images because a lot of times, some people like infrared, some people don't. So I don't want to…
