From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Apps for viewing picture metadata

Apps for viewing picture metadata

- [Instructor] One of the things that frustrate some photographers using their mobile device is that they can't get any metadata about the pictures that are on their device.(laughs) And you'd go, hey, you know, I'd like to know a little bit about the shot like for instance, I think it looks pretty good but what camera did I shoot it with? What was the f-stop, you know, all those photographer kind of things. Well, what you can you can do is you can grab an application that will show you the metadata and then add that to your phone and then tap that application while you're looking at the shots. And I'm going to show you how that works right now. We're on an iPhone right now. We're in photos and there's no metadata available to me about the shot as is, but I have downloaded a couple apps I'm going to show you right now. I'm going to show you how to get to them. And it's not intuitive. What I'm going to do is I'm going…
