From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Automatically adding geotags to digital camera photos

Automatically adding geotags to digital camera photos

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Automatically adding geotags to digital camera photos

- [Instructor] One of my favorite tricks that phones and cameras can do together is that the phone can geotag the images in the camera when the camera takes the picture. For example, we're looking at this shot right here and you see that it has location information. That's what geotags are, location information. So not only do I have the photo itself, I actually have the location where it was taken. Now I did not take the shot with my phone, okay. We're used to our phones being able to geotag images, but this was done with a camera. Let's see which camera it was. I'm just going to go to our metadata here, and we'll take a look. And it was with, you can see, with a Fuji Film XS10. Now the way that works is the Fuji Film XS10, it has Bluetooth, and it's low powered very modern Bluetooth, and it talks to the app in the phone in real-time. So they're just always kind of checking in with each other so that when I take the…
