From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Editing a picture in Google Photos

Editing a picture in Google Photos

- [Instructor] Now let's edit the shot in Google Photos and there are different tools here but I think we can get about the same result. And it's kind of nice to compare the two. Now, Google Photos is included on your Android phone and Lightroom mobile is a subscription that you would sign up for separately. So this is what you get when you just get the phone. So let's tap on this right here. Same sort of shot and I'm going to go to edit down here at the bottom. And we have some excellent tools to start out with. I'm going to start on the bottom row there where we have crop, adjust, we're going to spend some serious time in adjust. Filters. And then more, which is your markup which is kind of cool to have that here. Now you also have some stuff up here on top, some suggestions which I think is smart, sort of analyzing the photo but let's go to adjust. And the first thing I want to do, like I did before, is just go…
