From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Exploring Pixelmator Photo

Exploring Pixelmator Photo

- Pixelmator Photo runs on iOS, I'm running it on an iPad right now, and it is another one of those surprisingly powerful apps and it has a few different features than you'll see in Lightroom or photos or even raw power. So again, you have the browser and you can either tap the photos database or you can tap the file system either way, you can gather your images and then once you bring them into the application or once you tap the database that you want to use, then you have a lot of power in terms of editing. So here we are taking a look at shot from New York city, and I can share, I can favorite. I'm going to tap edit though because I want to show you some of these editing tools. The first tool is very interesting. There's a little ML at the top there with a magic wand and that's machine learning for color adjustment and basically what the application does, and remember, we're on a mobile app here. (Narrator laughs)…
