From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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File format options for still pictures

File format options for still pictures

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

File format options for still pictures

- [Instructor] When we're talking about formats, we're usually talking about still camera formats. You know, our snapshots that we take. And we can have some options here. I'm going to show you a couple of them right now. The first one is High Efficiency, and this is a relatively new option that's been around for a few years now. And it's nice because it is even smaller in terms of font size than a JPEG, which is our most compatible option, right? JPEGs have been around forever and you can view them on anything, any platform, any application. However, High Efficiency gives us a fantastic quality in even a smaller file size. Now, the problem was when High Efficiency first came out, it wasn't compatible everywhere, but that's pretty much changed now. I can use it in all my photo management applications and most of the applications that I use seem to accept High Efficiency just fine. And in fact, in recent months, I have…
