From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Reviewing overall storage on your iPhone

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Reviewing overall storage on your iPhone

- [Instructor] It's a good idea to keep track of how much space is being used on your device, just like it's a good idea to weigh in every now and then just to make sure things don't get out of hand. On an iPhone I'm going to show you how that works right now. We're in the settings app and I'm going to go to general right down here. And then you'll see in the middle of the screen, something called iPhone storage. And I love this, this is so handy, so helpful. Because at the top of the screen, we see the overview of how much storage I have and how much of it is being used. In my case I have 256 gigabytes of storage, and I'm only using 31.4 gigabytes. I'm sitting pretty right now, but I want to keep an eye on this. Now there are some features below that, recommendations. If things start to get tight, I can do things such as offload unused apps or review large attachments. I don't need to do that right now 'cause I have plenty of headroom. So I can just motor on down to the next area which is examining how much space my different apps are using. And again, this helps you keep track of your usage, how much space you have have, how much is left. Not surprisingly, photos is at the top of the list. 4.35 gigabytes. Yes, I'm a photographer I love photos, I love videos. And you know what? That is always going to be at the top of the heap there. Of course, podcasts right below that. And then some games and some other things, Gmail, those are attachments and things like that. So you can keep track of all of that and you can tap on any of these areas and you can get a little bit more information about what's happening. Let's go down to Gmail see what we get. So on Gmail, they break it down for us for both the app size and then the documents and data. So we have some options here. Depends on which app you click on. Here, we click on podcasts. We can see documents and data, we can see app size, and then we can see what's going on in terms of the actual podcasts. So all of this happens in your settings under general, iPhone storage. Keep an eye on it, check in every now and then just to make sure you have plenty of headroom before things get tight. And then if you do start to feel the pinch, then you have options to give yourself a little bit more room, to make sure that you have plenty of space to house those photos and videos that we care so much about.
