From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Stereo sound recording vs. mono

Stereo sound recording vs. mono

- [Instructor] If your device records stereo sound, just a footnote there that you're going to use more storage with stereo than you would if you set it to mono. And a lot of times, depending on how you're listening to your video, you're not going to be able to really tell the difference. Now, obviously, if you're playing your 1080p video or your 4k video on a big screen TV and you have a soundbar there and all that kind of stuff, yeah, you'll notice the difference between mono and stereo. You'll have a little bit more separation, of course, with the stereo sound. However, for most applications, and especially when we're watching them on our phones or watching them on our tablets or on computers, things like that, you're probably not going to notice the difference between stereo and mono. If you want to save just a little extra space for your default setting, then leave it on mono. And then of course, for those instances,…
