From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Tapping RAW Power as your photo editing app

Tapping RAW Power as your photo editing app

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Tapping RAW Power as your photo editing app

- [Instructor] RAW Power is another one of those mobile apps that very much impress me. You can get it for iOS, I believe in the iOS app store for around $10. And boy, do you get a lot for your money? It has the things that we would expect over here on the right side. You can see that we have Cropping, White Balance. The lookup tables, I just think are fantastic. I love working with lookup tables. You have your tonal adjustments, so your exposure highlights shadows, all of those things. Some nice enhanced tools not only do you have clarity, but you can deepen or lighten the clarity adjustment, which is a nice twist that you don't see every day. Some good basics, including both saturation and vibrancy. We'll just go ahead and fold those up right there. HSL color levels, I like the levels, I use levels a lot. It also has curves by the way, it's down here at Add Adjustment. I don't use curves as much, so I don't have it in here,…
