From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Trimming and touching up movies

Trimming and touching up movies

- [Instructor] We can work on our movies, as well as our still photos using the editing tools on our mobile devices. We're looking at a slow-mo movie right now on an iPad. And you can tell it's slow-mo by seeing the lines underneath the Scrubber bar there. When they're further apart like that, that means we're in slow-mo and then when they get closer together, then you're in real time. You can see right now. So we have slow-mo for his swing and then we'll get into real time here in just a second. All right, here we come. Now we're in the real time, just like that. The problem is that I started recording too early. Let's go back to the beginning of this. So we're waiting and we're waiting and we're waiting. So the first part of the movie is nothing but looking at him lineup his shot. (instructor giggles) And I like to fix that and we can hear on the iPad. So I'm going to go ahead and pause it. What I'm going to do is I'm…
