From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Using AirDrop to move images from device to device

Using AirDrop to move images from device to device

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Using AirDrop to move images from device to device

- [Instructor] A nifty trick for sharing images among iOS devices is using something we call AirDrop. So I have these images here. They're actually in my files app. So they're stored up in the cloud. And I thought, okay, I want to send one to one of my other devices. Let's say I want to send this one here. So I just pull that up right there. And all I have to do is go to the share button, which is in the lower left-hand corner. And I'm just going to go to AirDrop. Alrighty, and you see AirDrop right there, I'm just going to tap on that. And what it will do is it'll find the devices that are available. So I have the Mac available and I have an iPhone available. I go, all right, that's cool. So all I do is tap on the iPhone. I'm going to send it to the iPhone. Just tap on that iPhone right there. It'll wait for a second. On the other device, on the receiving device, they will often get a message, say hey, someone's…
