From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Using the iPad as a soft box for taking pictures with the iPhone

Using the iPad as a soft box for taking pictures with the iPhone

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Using the iPad as a soft box for taking pictures with the iPhone

- [Instructor] I want to show you an app that's kind of fun, that allows you to take advantage of the extra screen real estate that you have with a tablet, in this case, an iPad mini. It's called LightBox. You can see it right there, in the middle of the screen. I'm going to tap on it, and you're going, "Wow, I am dazzled by that app." (laughs) You have to get out your shades, right? Well, what this is, is an app that allows you to convert your tablet into a lightbox. So you can view negatives on here, slides, you can do tracing, you know, all those kinds of lightbox things, but it goes beyond that. I'm going to tap on the gear up there and you see that we have some different grids and so forth to play with. And so then you can use it as a backdrop, if you want, or a platform for product photography. It has all sorts of really nice stuff. You can do something scientific (laughs) with this, with this kind of…
