From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Using your smartphone as a remote release

Using your smartphone as a remote release

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Using your smartphone as a remote release

- [Instructor] One of my favorite things to do with my phone and my camera is use my phone as a remote release. It's terrific, we're going to do that right now using the OI Share app and Olympus Camera. First, let's make sure they're talking to each other. Let's go to our settings, and yes, right there, you can see under Wi-Fi, see that camera right there, that means they are connected and talking. That's very important. You have to have them talking for anything to work. Now let's go to OI Share, which is the app that will take care of that for us. And you can see that it's on down there at the bottom. Very exciting. Sees the camera. We're in very good shape. So let's go to remote control. All right, I'm just going to tap on remote control and there's our scene right there. That's our camera, this is a live scene. I can adjust exposure if I want. Oop, that's too far, right? (laughing) Let's go back to 1.3, that…
