From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Video slow-motion recording options

Video slow-motion recording options

- [Instructor] Recording slow motion video or slow-mo video. It also can have a big impact on the amount of storage used on our phones. And let's take a look at it right now. Now of course, slow motion video is a joy, isn't it? I mean, this was something that was really hard to do once upon a time, and now we just tap a button and we can record this beautiful heart rendering or slow down a golf swing or whatever we want to do slow motion video. Now on this particular phone here, I have two choices and this is what we want to look at right now. 120 frames a second or 240 frames a second right here. Both are very good. And in fact, I have to tell you, I love slow motion video at 120 frames a second, but look at the difference again. One minute of slow-mo at 120 frames a second. Well, you're going to add up, are you going to use 170 megabytes of storage, okay? But it's worth it sometimes, isn't it? However, if you go to…
