From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Why mobile editing makes more sense than ever

Why mobile editing makes more sense than ever

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Why mobile editing makes more sense than ever

- [Instructor] Our mobile devices are good for taking pictures, but they're also good for editing them. I want to show you three different applications right now just to give you a feel for the potential of editing on your mobile device. The first one we're going to look at is Lightroom Mobile. And this works on both Android platforms and it works on iOS, both. So you can use it on a smartphone, you can use it on a tablet. I'm showing it to you on an iPad Mini right now. And here we go. So we have all the light adjustments: Exposure, contrast, highlights, and shadows. You have color adjustments, including color grading down there (chuckles). Effects, texture, clarity, dehaze, vignette. This is stuff that you think, "Man, that's computer stuff, isn't it?" No, it's right here on my mobile device. Same with detail. We have sharpening and noise reduction. Optics. We can do optical corrections here and we have…
