From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

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Working with the Lightroom mobile camera

Working with the Lightroom mobile camera

From the course: Mobile Photography: Image Management

Working with the Lightroom mobile camera

- [Instructor] You're taking a look at the Lightroom camera right now. This is the camera that is built into the Lightroom mobile app, and you get to it by well, clicking on the camera icon. And this is where you end up. And the first thing you see, you have a big blue shutter button right there. You can't miss that. And in all honesty, all you have to do is tap that to take a picture and you'll probably get pretty good results. However, if you want a little bit more control over the camera, we're going to leave auto mode, you see auto mode down there on the left hand side, I'm going to tap on that, we're going to go to professional mode right there. Now I have additional settings. For instance, I could change the ISO. I could go to white balance and play with the different white balance settings. Isn't that fun? I like the tungsten color though, isn't that good? Okay, we're going to go back to the automatic…
