From the course: Negotiating Work Flexibility

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Identify a management structure for your work flexibility

Identify a management structure for your work flexibility

From the course: Negotiating Work Flexibility

Identify a management structure for your work flexibility

- When you're looking to find more flexibility in your job, it's important to know how to manage that new working style. For instance, do you know if your boss has ever managed anybody remotely or flexibly before? Have you worked in this way before? Has your boss ever been trained on how to do this? Have you? Oftentimes companies don't provide training and every unique situation is going to be different, so you're really going to have to read what type of management support you need. Let me ask you a few other questions, because really it's all about setting clear expectations so everybody knows how they're going to manage this together. For instance, do you know how you're going to communicate with your boss if you're working remote? Do you know what tools you're going to use? Do you know how to communicate if something's urgent or not? What about team meetings? What type of project management software are you using? Do…
