From the course: Operations Management Foundations

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Choosing Six Sigma or SPC

Choosing Six Sigma or SPC

- One of the quality management programs that is held in the highest esteem is the Six Sigma program. Six Sigma is made up of a series of techniques and tools aimed at improving business processes and ultimately eliminating defects. In fact, one of the most common numbers associated with the Six Sigma program is 3.4 defects. What's that? That is the maximum number of defects Six Sigma aims to produce per 1 million units. 3.4 defects per 1 million opportunities. It sounds amazing but that's what Six Sigma certified managers work for. How do they work to accomplish such a feat? Well, one of the most popular aspects of Six Sigma is the five-step improvement methodology. Most people like to refer it to it by its acronym D-M-A-I-C, DMAIC, not exactly a poetic acronym but many will swear by its effectiveness. So what does it stand for? D stands for define the system. What are you doing? Why are you doing it? What's the…
