From the course: Outsourcing: Managing Service Transition

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Leveraging remote and overseas resources

Leveraging remote and overseas resources

From the course: Outsourcing: Managing Service Transition

Leveraging remote and overseas resources

- Outsourcers typically leverage remote and overseas resources as part of service delivery. Let's discuss effective techniques to manage these resources. First, get to know all of your resources as best you can, even if you're the client and the staff members are managed by the outsourcer. Regardless if they're located onsite, working remotely, or overseas, effectiveness starts with a relationship. You can then start to think about how you're going to work with and manage someone. Second, plan on having frequent planned communications, such as daily touchpoint meetings. These meetings can be brief, five or 10 minutes. This enables the resource to understand what work needs to be addressed that day, and provides an opportunity for them to communicate any issues or concerns to their manager. If you're the client and cannot have this communication directly with offshore resources, have them work with your outsourcer's team…
