From the course: Pair Programming with AI

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A note on how to use ChatGPT

A note on how to use ChatGPT

- Right now as I record this course, ChatGPT is by far the most famous AI tool, and the name ChatGPT has for many become synonymous with AI tools in general. ChatGPT is powered by GPT, a large language model released by the company Open AI. Now, GPT is one of several large language models with coding capabilities released by different companies, and in the near future I expect we'll see a lot of competition in this space. So in this course, I'm using ChatGPT as a representative of code enabled large language models in general. When it comes to using ChatGPT specifically as a para programmer, there are several different ways of integrating it into your process and these different modalities will be reflected in other tools as they come online as well. First off, you have ChatGPT as a web service found at This is the general availability and general purpose version of Chat GPT, and it comes as…
