From the course: Performance-Based Hiring

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Understanding the talent market

Understanding the talent market

From the course: Performance-Based Hiring

Understanding the talent market

- If you post boring skills-infested job descriptions, the best people won't give them a second look. If you force people to complete a pre-apply questionnaire, the best people will opt out before you even have a chance to talk with them. And if your hiring managers are disengaged, unprepared or conduct superficial interviews, you won't hire a single top-performer. And if your recruiters are more focused on filling positions fast or don't understand real job needs, the best people won't give them a second chance. There is a better way. The big problem is that too many companies, too many recruiters and too many hiring managers assume there's a surplus of top candidates, and as a result they only target active candidates and they only talk with people who are skills and experience-qualified and who also fit within the compensation structure of the company. This is shown by the one person who applies for the job and meets all of the skills and…
