From the course: Planning Your Family Leave and Return

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Considering flexible work options

Considering flexible work options

- Before founding Prepare To Launch U with Kelley, I was a partner in the first flexible work consulting firm in the country, Flexible Resources Inc. of Greenwich, Connecticut. For over 20 years, my partners and I taught companies why and how to establish flexible work policies for their employees. And we also place professionals into flexible jobs. I have managed flexible employees, I've placed flexible employees, I've worked flexibly myself. Let's just say that I consider flexible work to be one of my sweet spots, and I'm so excited to tell you about it today. Flexible work is defined as any work schedule that falls outside of the conventional five days a week in an office paradigm. Examples include part time work, fewer hours per day, or fewer days per week than normal, compressed time work, full time hours in fewer than five days, telecommuting, full or partial remote work, usually from home, but sometimes from a…
