From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Challenge: Getting data

Challenge: Getting data - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Challenge: Getting data

(light upbeat music) - [Narrator] Now it's time for you to try these concepts out yourself. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, or BLS for short, is a great public data source for US employment. We're curious about the employment numbers in Santa Barbara, California. But if you're in the US, you can get data for your area. I've provided the URL for this API data query in the exercise files. Here's what the format of the API query results look like. Here's your challenge. Use Power Query to connect to these data and transform it into a table that looks like this with the year, period, month name, and employment numbers as appropriately set data types in each column. Here's a hint. If you get stuck on transforming the initial web connection, revisit the JSON data video. Good luck.
